I am a Jamaican. This islands culture is very strong and recognized globally. Jamaicans can be found world-wide and with them you will also find the culture as they highly maintain it where ever they go. As it goes with all other cultures there are positives and negatives, and Jamaican culture is no acceptation to that. I truly love my culture as there are a lot of things about it I would not wish to change. On the other hand, there are thing that I personally don’t enjoy and I do wish these things could change.
Two things I really enjoy about my culture are the friendliness of the locals and the food. In Jamaica people are always talking and conversing with each other. Whether it’s in the taxi, walking on the street or in a store, you can always expect to have a friendly conversation with a stranger when you leave your house. Many of those conversations are full of laughing. Someone considered shy in Jamaica would be considered outgoing here in America. As well it is deemed rude and inconsiderate to walk past an elderly person and not say good morning/evening/night. I believe that this friendliness is a very Christlike way to live and should be perpetuated.
Another wonderful piece of my Jamaican culture is the food. Food is taken very serious in Jamaica. Jamaicans spend many hours preparing and consuming food. The taste of the food is so wonderful and many times you eat surrounded by friends and family. Eating time is a social time and I have many great memories as it come to the topic of food and the experiences that surround it.
As I said before there certain aspects of Jamaican culture in which I do not enjoy and feel should be set aside and even, eliminated. One of those aspects is a gangster mindset that many people have in Jamaica. Lots of people feel they need to prove themselves as the baddest gangster and most cruel. In many communities the outlaws have the most respect and are looked up to by the youth and praised by the elders. This is no doubt a negative aspect of the culture and causes many problems within, families, communities and the whole country. One aspect that propels this attitude of gangsterism and badness is that this behaviour is praised and idolized. Many people look to Jamaica and see this behaviour as part of Jamaican culture and accept it.
Another part of Jamaican culture I feel needs to be eliminated is that of homophobia. This can be connected to the attitude of gangsterism that many possess in Jamaica. Many individuals will get upset about the slightest mannerisms that could possibly deemed homosexual. This mindset of homophobia causes many people to deep feelings and emotions as homosexual. This causes many issues because certain important feelings and emotions will be dismissed and effects many people's mental and emotional health in a negative way.