Power in marriage is a very changing and growing argument. The idea of who is in control of the marriage is an idea that changes with time and is very different depending on culture, upbringing, religion and socioeconomic status. What is power? A good definition is the ability to get someone to think, feel or act in a way they would not normally have, as a response to who feels superior. This power in a marriage can have positive and negative effects. Power is very difficult to measure within a marriage because it is often fluctuated from husband to wife and often time the wife may have more power in certain aspects of the marriage while the husband will have more power in other aspects of the marriage.
Power is very important in a marriage. Not only the power the married couple hold over each other but the power they hold together. A proper balance of power between husband and wife can make for a strong and happy relationship. While unequal power in a relationship between husband and wife can cause contention and strife. As well, a couple who is strong and powerful together can accomplish many great things with their marriage, while a weak couple may struggle in this world. Couples who believe there is a power inequality within their relationship will be less happy than those who feel their power balance is equal. Also, couples who feel they are weak together as a couple will feel less happy and excited with their marriage. Power struggles both internal and external can be very damaging to a couple’s relationship.
In many societies across the world, men are the holders of the most power in a marriage. This is a tradition that has been going on for hundreds of years. This can be attributed to a variety of sources, but the main source is finances. Across the world men make higher salaries than women on an average. This gives men a higher state of power within marriage due to them bringing in the most resources for the family. But It is shown that even when the woman makes more money than the man, the man still holds the position of power and most times the woman does not oppose his position. Other factors can inhibit power within a relationship such as education, sex, emotion and skill. Education can lead to more informed discussions between a husband and wife, sex can be given or withheld to generate more power for a partner, emotion can be used to assist a partner and skill can be used to show that a partner can do something that the other partner is not capable of.
The positives of conflict in marriage are many. Although at the moment a conflict within a marriage does not seem as a positive, the effects that come from that conflict can be positive and very beneficial for the husband and wife. In many cases there is frustration build up against their partner and a conflict can assist in releasing that conflict. Leaving the couple with peace towards their partner and not having any built-up feelings inside. Often times it takes a dramatic conflict for one to release these negative feelings that they have been harboring and once they do so the love and union between the couple will have grown.
There can also be negatives that come from conflict in marriage. Conflict can cause separation and anger from one to their partner and escalate situations that have been troubling the couple. Often times conflicts can have very negative results for a couple. If conflicts and handled well that can bring a couple closer and if they are not handled well it will drive the couple apart.