Separation and divorce are becoming more common in the world today. Married couples and even couples living together who are not married are having more and more difficult of a time staying together. The reasons for separation and divorce are many. Each situation is unique and has its own positives and negatives. The process of a divorce is very tricky and long. It seems that the deep issue causing a divorce are serious. So serious that people would rather go through so much legal work and a major lifestyle shift to go through with the divorce.
There are many reasons for divorce. In older times each state had its own reasons which would allow a divorce. Some states were very strict for the reasons on which they would allow a divorce, while others were very loose. In modern times, the reasons can be anything from abuse and criminal activity to very simple reasons such as the couple is just tired of marriage. Each situation is unique and each couple has their very legitimate or simple reasons as to why they are getting a divorce. The decision to get a divorce is a serious one as the work to get a divorce is a very long process.
Divorce trends have changed greatly over the years. Up to this day still 22 percent of Americans still believe divorce is morally wrong. That still leaves 78 percent of the population who is open to the idea of divorce. The trends of divorce in the United States of America is very interesting. The rate of divorce was quite small before 1965. Between 1965 and 1980 there was a spike in divorce rates. During this time divorce rates went up more than double. This may be attributed to the loosening of restrictions as it regards to divorce laws accost the country. But the exact reason is unknown. Since 1980 the divorce rates have been on a downward trend. It still has not reached the low level as it was prior to 1965.
Divorce has been categorized into “six stations” these help us understand the six different areas where a divorce happens. The six stations are; Emotional, Legal, Economic, Co-Parental, Community, and Psychic. The emotional phase is often the most difficult for the divorced couple. This state is very hard to cope with and the effects can last a lifetime. Overcoming the sadness, frustration and grief that comes with being hurt by a partner is not an easy thing to overcome. Many people seek professional help to get back to emotional stability after and during a divorce. The economics of a marriage is a obvious and major part of the marriage. Deciding who gets what can be very difficult when accounts and property are shared. As well the change of having two forms of income going into one can be hard for individuals to cope with. Also, the cost of living for the individuals can go down with not having to worry about the other partner financially. This can be a positive effect of the divorce. The co parental aspect of the divorce can be difficult if children are involved. It takes a long legal battle to decide how much time each parent gets with the children and how much involvement the parents will have in the children’s life. The community effect can be very devastating. Communities with more divorce find themselves with more issues and problems. Unless of course the divorce is because of a major issue such as abuse. The psychic effects are very hard to cope with and like emotional effects they can last a lifetime. They don’t only affect the couple but the children and family members as well. Children growing up with divorced parents will never have a good example of what a marriage is like. This can lead to negative effects for the child as they grow and get into their own marriages. It can also have positive effects as the child will have seen what not to do in a marriage and learn from that and have a great marriage.